Time & Location
13 Feb 2023, 7:30 pm
Mumbai, Bungalow No. - 120, near Physioflex Gym, behind Ganpati Mandir, Aram Nagar Part 2, Machlimar, Versova, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400061, India
About the event
Ashadh Ka Ek Din (One day in the rainy season) is considered the first modern Hindi play. It is written by Mohan Rakesh and was staged in 1958 for the first time. It won sangeet natak academy award for best play in 1959. The title of the play derives from the
second verse of the Sanskrit dramatist Sanskrit poem Meghdootam which depicts the love
of Yaksha and Yaksini. Ashadh ka ek din is centered on Kalidas's life, sometime in the 100BCE-400CE period. He is leading a peaceful life in a Himalayan village and is romantically involved with Mallika.However, he is invited to appear at King Chandragupta II's court in far-off Ujjaini. Torn between his current idyllic existence and love on one hand, and the desire to achieve greatness on the other, he leaves for Ujjayini in a conflicted state of mind. Mallika wants the best for the man she loves, so she encourages him to go to Ujjayini. Kalidas achieves fame and is married to a sophisticated noblewoman, Priyangumanjari, while Mallika is heartbroken and alone.